CQ WPX CW @ OH2K, 25-26.5.2013

3.10.2013 update: We got a certificate being 1st in Finland, 8th in Europe and 14th in World in the category. Final score was 3 591 919.

We took part in the contest in multi-multi category. Three stations qrv, four operators: OH2GEK, OH2LNH, OH7LZB, OH2LRE, coffee men OH2JI, OH7JEV and CW hangaround member OH2LZC :) Results:

        Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
         1,8      64     125   11
         3,5     240     500   86
           7     658    1626  195
          14    1222    2004  428
          21     318     696  136
          28       7      15    3
       Total    2509    4966  859

            Score : 4 265 794

Acom PA

May in Kauniainen
